Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Buzz Aldrin Confirms UFO Sighting in Syfy's 'Aliens on the Moon' UFO Sighting News.

Its not that they think we cant handle knowing there is life out there its the fact that we will realize we go to work every day for nothing its all about controlling the public . Lets say we make contact with another more intelligent life form that can travel in space well then what do we need with money and gread and working for junk we dont need and property we never own you people think you own your land lol well dont pay the government there property tax and bye bye the land you think you own . Its all a keep them busy game and they wont see shit thats why things keep getting more expensive so you waist your whole life working so they can do what ever they want and hide the truth so you dont notice whats really going on . I hate to say this but we are all sheep ready to be slaughtered.

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